Ethics & Compliance

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Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

Precision was founded on the belief that there was a transformational opportunity to improve the process of bringing new drugs to market. That belief evolved into our purpose as a company—to accelerate the delivery of life-changing treatments and profoundly improve health outcomes. The Precision Medicine Group Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the “Code”) helps us stay true to that purpose and work ethically to bring about fundamental changes in healthcare.

The Code embodies the Precision Principles and helps ensure that we achieve our business goals while maintaining the highest level of professionalism and ethical behavior.

The Code outlines the standards of ethical and compliant conduct we expect of every employee that underlies our success, and it demonstrates how we can apply Precision Principles to our day-to-day work.

It covers risk areas we may encounter and gives us guidance on the proper course of action to take in common situations. In other words, it is a practical guide to navigating how we can and should make decisions with integrity and in full alignment with the letter and spirit of applicable laws, regulations, Precision Principles, and other Precision policies.

All employees are required to familiarize themselves with and adhere to the provisions outlined in the Code.  We measure our success not only by what we deliver for clients to support patient access to life-changing therapies, but also how we achieve it.

To learn more read our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics.

For Ethics & Compliance related queries you can also contact Precision directly at: