Ethics & Compliance

Code of Conduct
Speak Up
Third Parties
Human Rights
Anti-bribery and Anti-corruption
Privacy and Data Protection

Speak Up

At Precision, we are committed to fairness, integrity, and respect for the law in every strand of our business activities. We count on our employees and business partners to challenge themselves and others to evaluate conduct through the lens of our Precision Principles, the Precision Medicine Group Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (Code) as well as the laws and regulations pertaining to our business.

Precision treats all reports seriously, and each report will be comprehensively and diligently reviewed.

At Precision, we encourage openness and confidence in raising concerns in good faith. We are committed to treating all concerns fairly. We do not tolerate retaliation against an individual who speaks up in good faith.

Anyone who wants to speak up may use any of the available Speak Up Channels:

Department Who to Contact How to Contact
Legal and Compliance Precision Legal & Compliance Dedicated Compliance Email:
Speak Up Hotline 24/7 third-party hotline (800) 461-9330 or one of the local phone numbers you can find at
Speak Up Portal 24/7 third-party online portal