The global impact of Precision Medicine Group.
As it happens.
Impact, observations, and insights on the evolving healthcare landscape.
Denver (3-30-17)—The oncology landscape is rapidly evolving. A Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America report noted that 836 oncology drugs and vaccines are in the pipeline, 123 of which are for lung cancer, and 80% of pipeline agents are potential first-in-class therapies. Because of this, existing treatment paradigms are regularly upset. In addition, oncology costs continue to grow, with a reported $105 billion spent globally in 2015 and projected to rise 7.5% to 11.5% annually through 2020. In response, payers are using clinical pathways, preferred product and exclusion lists, and value assessment framework tools for better management of costs and care. Value-based risk sharing models among payers, providers and pharmaceutical manufacturers are also evolving.
Precision for Medicine’s Scott Marshall and Jared Kohler address the challenges and importance of harmonizing biomarker data in a new editorial for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News (GEN). Scott and Jared make the point that generating, tracking, and harmonizing biomarker data and clinical data in real time to inform timely decision-making is critical in modern clinical trials.
As healthcare spending continues to rise, payers and providers struggle to accurately measure value to patients, and with health systems all over the world shifting towards paying for value, not just volume, these efforts have never been more important.
PHE economist Jason Shafrin talks prices, politics, and the problem of monopolies with eyeforpharma’s Hugh Gosling.
Precision subject matter expert, Tandy Tipps, highlights how oncology sites can work with their development partners to make study start up achievable within 90 days.
Precision for Value’s Maureen Hennessey and Larry Blandford examine Medicare Advantage Five-Star Plans, focusing on innovation– in the latest edition of Journal of Clinical Pathways (JCP).
PHE’s Mark Linthicum and Jason Shafrin discuss advancing the science of value assessment and the mission of the Innovation and Value Initiative in the latest edition of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News.
PHE Senior Research Economist Jason Shafrin’s latest Op-ed is featured in The Washington Post, as part of their “In Theory” series. The commentary, “How we should pay for cures, according to economics,” examines the current complexities of drug pricing and advocates for value-based pricing structures.
PHE Senior Research Economist Jason Shafrin presents an interesting picture of the value and pricing of precision medicine, in a new commentary for MedCity News.
Precision Health Economics founders Darius Lakdawalla and Dana Goldman contribute a new commentary for STAT News: “Election Verdict: Pharma Needs a New Prescription.”