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Human Rights

Precision Medicine Group Human Rights, Anti-Slavery and Anti-Human Trafficking Statement

Commitment to Human Rights
At Precision Medicine Group (Precision), we uphold rigorous ethical standards and comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Our decisions and actions have far-reaching effects on patients, their families, communities, and society at large. Recognizing our responsibility extends beyond our internal operations; we are dedicated to protecting human rights throughout our supply chain. Precision’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics underscores this commitment, ensuring alignment with global human rights and modern slavery regulations.

Our Actions and Policies
Human rights are inherent to all individuals worldwide. These rights encompass essential freedoms, such as the right to life, liberty, and freedom from slavery and torture. Additionally, they include the right to express opinions, access education, and engage in gainful employment. Our commitment to human rights extends across our entire global organization and supply chain. We maintain a zero-tolerance stance towards any violations. To uphold this commitment, we have established a comprehensive Human Rights Policy. This policy outlines our dedication to compliance and outlines specific measures, including regular risk assessments, to integrate human rights principles into our business operations and ensure ongoing success.

Risk Assessment and Due Diligence
Precision actively ensures that human rights are respected and protected throughout our global supply chain. Through periodic human rights risk assessments, we employ a ‘risk-to-people’ approach to identify, assess, and address potential risks. This due diligence is integral to our long-term business resilience, mitigating reputational risks, and ensuring regulatory compliance.

Our risk assessment process involves utilizing external indexes to benchmark our vendors and countries in which we operate, evaluating risks based on identified risk indicators, and engaging meaningfully with stakeholders, especially those overseeing business units. By mapping risk indicators to our supply chain, we assess risks based on severity, likelihood, and potential impact. We prioritize risks that warrant internal investigation, remediation, and ongoing monitoring.

While global workforces can be high-risk areas for modern slavery and human rights issues, we believe that Precision faces lower risk due to the specialized nature of our work. Our highly educated and skilled workforce operates in controlled environments with structured management systems and established policies. To reinforce our commitment, we provide comprehensive Code of Conduct training to all employees, and our Legal and Compliance Department regularly reviews internal procedures to counter ethics violations.

Looking Forward
Precision remains dedicated to enhancing our human rights initiatives. We are planning to conduct a comprehensive human rights training for all employees, reinforcing our unwavering stance against any human rights violations.

Additionally, we offer various Speak Up channels, including an anonymous online tool, for reporting concerns related to Human Rights, Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery. Our commitment to human rights is resolute, and we will keep striving to make a positive impact on global health and the communities we serve.

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