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Privacy and Data Protection

Privacy and Data Protection

Information and data are the foundation of everything we do. Without it, Precision would not be able to research, advise, consult, plan, or perform services for its clients. To be successful we must collect and process all types of data, including personal data. It may belong to employees, clinical trial subjects, business partners, and contractors. We prove our coworkers and clients can rely on us by following our data privacy policies and laws.

We also know that privacy, security, and data protection are increasingly important to maintaining the trust of our employees, clients, and partners worldwide. We are committed to respecting personal data protection and privacy and have developed data protection and privacy policies and procedures that govern the processing of personal data by Precision.

Precision Medicine Group Code of Business Conduct and Ethics states firm privacy and data protection commitment. This is a part of who we are and how we build our clients’ and our success.

Precision Privacy Policy outlines clear privacy governance, policy as well as processes so that privacy compliance is an integral part of business operations. Anyone who experiences, suspects, or witnesses a violation of privacy or data protection requirements is encouraged to speak up using available Speak Up Channels.

To learn more about how Precision complies with privacy and data protection requirements read our Privacy Policy.

For Privacy and Data Protection related queries you can also contact Precision directly at: