Ethics & Compliance

Code of Conduct
Speak Up
Third Parties
Human Rights
Anti-bribery and Anti-corruption
Privacy and Data Protection

Third Parties

At Precision Medicine Group we extensively work with third parties in many aspects of our business. We are committed to ethical and lawful behavior in our relationships with such business partners to always prioritize client service, purpose, accountability, mutual respect, and collaboration.

We are also aware that trade laws and regulations govern the way we can collaborate with third parties. Countries impose international sanctions to restrict certain nations or companies, which can include trade embargoes, boycotts, travel bans, and frozen assets. Success in any global business depends on our compliance with these laws and sanctions. That is why Precision conducts third party due diligence checks and sanctions screening on all third parties we work with.

Precision requires all third parties we work and interact with to act ethically and sustainably, follow laws and regulations, be fair and professional.

All third parties working for or with Precision are expected to comply with the principles and ethical commitments set forth in the Precision Medicine Group Code of Business Conduct and Ethics.

Anyone who experiences, suspects, or witnesses a Third Party being in violation of the aforementioned requirements is encouraged to speak up using available Speak Up Channels.

For Ethics & Compliance related queries you can also contact Precision directly at: